Union Bay Improvement District board hi-jacked by individuals constantly...
A condensed version of why we are in this mess with the swearing in: Jan. 9, 2019 this board met excluding, and not advising Trustee Kaljur of the meeting where they voted to (unlawfully) ‘suspend’...
View ArticleIs there anyone who can convince the UBID Chair to read the bylaws,...
The reason we end up with lousy representatives is because they believe if they don’t hear from you, they assume they are doing a great job. So the ‘small group’ they are referring to consists of...
View ArticleEmail address for the Gov’t people assigned to Union Bay Improvement District...
Thanks to the landowner who provided this important information! Talked to Tara Faganello Assistant Deputy Minister office Best email address is lggoverance@gov.bc.ca these are the people assigned to...
View ArticleWe exercised our democratic right at the ballot box, but the rogue Imitation...
I hope people are paying attention. My fear is that these incompetents have made important financial decisions with the same lack of due diligence. It’s pretty obvious they agree with each other and...
View ArticleHad enough of the dictatorship yet? Imitation Union Bay Improvement District...
Trying to give us a laugh with the ‘featured image’ while we go through this crap after we were so delighted with the outcome of the election. 🙂 By the reasoning of this imitation board, a trustee who...
View ArticleThe Ministry is consistent. They only got involved when KIP cried the blues....
We had an efficient functioning board in 2015 under the Chairmanship of Carol Molstad, who brought us back from the brink of bankruptcy. Then Kip and his spokesperson David Godfrey and Peter Jacques...
View ArticleWould Fassbender, Faganello, McRae or Mueller be content with an undemocratic...
When you have one group who breaks rules and just makes up their own and another group who abides by the rules, with no one to enforce the rule of law – who do you think has the power? I sent the...
View ArticleThe government (elected officials) can do pretty well what they want...
So after months of unlawful actions by this gong show board including unlawfully ‘suspending’ a duly elected Trustee (Susanna Kaljur) who was forced to retain counsel (Jason Gratl) to force the board...
View ArticleThe guy involved in a conspiracy to deny democracy is embarrassed by...
New post on Susanna Kaljur’s blog: https://unionbay.news.blog/2019/04/30/by-sunset-april-30-a-new-board-awakes/ Looks like there is no plan to hold an AGM. They already posted the reports on the...
View ArticleResponse from MLA Scott Fraser re: Union Bay Improvement District...
Received this non response today. Turns out it is a form letter sent to all you pesky folk that think democracy will be protected by elected officials. Ha ha – jokes on us. From: “scott fraser mla”...
View ArticleUnion Bay Improvement District Letters Patent – another document ignored by...
View ArticleWe need to start ignoring the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. They...
Annual General Meeting 7 p.m. June 3, 2019, Union Bay Community Hall With a new board we can finally move forward instead of being held back by ignorant hillbilly attitudes. Time to move into the...
View ArticlePlan on attending Union Bay Improvement District Annual General Meeting...
The notice was published Friday May 31 at 2:39 pm for the AGM today, by the admin who is not qualified to hold the position. From Susanna Kaljur’s blog:...
View ArticleLies, lies, lies or unable to answer – Union Bay Improvement District Annual...
Too ignorant and oblivious to be embarrassed. Can’t help but notice some people automatically lie in their first response to questions… The Admin was a no show because he didn’t want to attend. So just...
View ArticleTrustee Kaljur backs up her statements regarding when Union Bay can move...
Those who attended the meeting last night will recall the Chair’s claims about the governance study. Another example of this Chair being oblivious and unable to respond to questions with accurate...
View ArticleUnion Bay Improvement District Bylaw # 277 authorizing borrowing $3.5 Million...
Thanks to the landowner who emailed requesting a copy of the bylaw and forwarded it to me when they received the following: Note: no second page even though it clearly states “page 1 of 2”. Waiting to...
View ArticleDysfunctional Union Bay Improvement District Board of Trustees – dumbest...
This dysfunctional board hired professionals to facilitate the AGM and the Chair still couldn’t conduct a proper meeting – total useless. A landowner asked a question about when the Fire Hall land was...
View ArticleWe are paying an extra $1,201,398.49 in interest because of the Union Bay...
Check Susanna Kaljur’s blog for an update on the Ministry contradicting the false information spread by UBID Chair about becoming a service area of the CVRD.....
View ArticleUnion Bay Improvement District Inaugural Meeting June 10, 2019 @ 7 pm UB...
Is Gary Nason filling in for the Admin? Has the Admin decided not to attend any meetings where he might be questioned about his actions? When are we going to hire someone qualified to hold the position?
View ArticleUBID Inaugural meeting to swear in Trustee Hein Vandenberg – don’t breath a...
When Gary Nason Chairs a UBID meeting, there are actually questions allowed from the landowners present. What a concept! The Admin sat sandwiched in between the two consultants for protection and non...
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