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Union Bay Real Estate – Inflated Prices Caused by Kensington Island Properties


Anyone selling their home in Union Bay for these inflated prices must be hoping for buyers unaware of the financial tsunami heading towards Union Bay landowners.  The prices in Union Bay were based on the hype spewed by Kensington Island Properties, Union Bay Improvement District, (Fake) Union Bay Residents’ Association including their little spin off groups/committees.  Union Bay is worse off now than it was before being fed the bs from these groups.

Is there anyone who believes Kensington Island Properties is going to start building hundreds of houses in Union Bay?  In this economy?  Is there a shortage of houses available to purchase in Union Bay?  Get real.  The prices these houses are selling for are still the hyped up KIP is coming bullshit.  Houses aren’t exactly being scooped up in a frenzy now are they?  Slowly going down, nowhere to go but down now.   It was bad enough the Board negotiated $1.4 million when Kensington Island Properties offered $17.4 million meaning the landowners would be making up the $16 million shortfall.  Now with windbag KIP nowhere to be found on the pages of The Record pointing at something, Union Bay landowners get to pay the entire $17.4 million.

Back then we didn’t have sewer, water filtration, new fire hall, new fire truck, office space for UBID.  Back then we didn’t have debt.

Back then we had a Board conducting business without the landowners being advised of all the details.  A Board having ‘in camera’ meetings which did not meet the criteria for those meetings and basically making up and changing rules as they saw fit.  In my opinion, rules and regulations were not adhered to.  Back then we had a Board telling us there was nothing being kept from the landowners and that the Board was open and accountable and yet answers to very simple questions could/would not be answered.  In my opinion, back then, the Board was secretive and manipulative.  I believe it would be hard for any landowners to point to those and conclude Union Bay is better off because of their service to the community.  By the time they were gone, debt was accumulating and it had negotiated $1.4 million for water filtration when KIP offered $17.4 million.

Now we have a different Board.  Now we don’t have sewer, water filtration, new fire hall, new fire truck, office space for UBID owned by UBID.  Now we have debt on a property lacking clear title.  Now we have a debt accumulating due to legal action on a property lacking clear title and a Board content with allowing the matter to work its way through the courts rather than determining chances of success vs negotiating a settlement.

Now we have a Board building an even larger empire than the previous seat warmers, creating committees groups consisting of ‘like minded’ individuals, to ensure a smooth implementation of ‘their vision’.  Now we have had TAG Board elected by interfering in nominations (also TAG member/leader involved in confidential negotiations with Kensington Island Properties) and by the usual bullshit spin about how they were open and accountable.  Just another bunch easily manipulated being patted on the head and told how wonderful they are.  Now we have a Board telling landowners they are open and accountable and there is nothing being kept from the community and yet answers to very simple questions are refused and rules are devised to prevent questions from being asked.

The Board is pushing 2.5 million as an estimate for a new firehall.  Another 1.5 million for new trucks.  When are they going to come up with the figures now that the blowhard Kensington Island Properties pretends to be surprised about the coal hills remediation and stops the water filtration process?  In my opinion, the Board of the Union Bay Improvement District is secretive and manipulative.  In my opinion, this Board like previous ones, cherry pick rules and regulations to suit their manipulative needs.

$2.5 milllion Firehall

$1.5 million Firetrucks

$17.4 million water filtration, reservoir, etc.  not including land for reservoir.  Present reservoir on KIP land with 5 year lease.  No lease – no water.

$?   ongoing lawsuit on property purchased and mortgaged without clear title.

PLUS:  Usual operating expenses of the Improvement District and ongoing costly upgrades to ageing infrastructure.

Now we have upwards of $20 million in debt to be distributed over less than 700 landowners.

To prospective buyers:  Bring lots of money!DSC_0036 copyQuite the legacy being left by those quick to tell the world how wonderful they are.

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