Has the Union Bay Improvement District acted in the best interest of the community in the last 10 years? What benefits have been realized? Can you afford the kind of mistakes made by UBID?
Well you dummies should enjoy consuming the TAG bullshit part 2. The TAG spin is in full swing, providing ‘information gathered from landowners’ except the end result will have been planned well in advance for you to eat up. Like when the TAG chair provided minutes of the meetings, only to discover editing and distribution by the ‘gate keepers’ of the TAG email list. All the same empty promises. What happened to open and accountable? This Board is no better or worse than any other. They are infallible. Ask any of them if they have ever made a mistake?
Then before proceeding further, the Board should undertake a community consultation process whereby landowners, residents, developers and other identified stakeholders can comment on the proposals that have been developed to encourage and support both community engagement and consensus-building. Landowners need to be better informed about how choices are made and the compromises and trade-offs that often need to be brokered with various community stakeholders in order to determine an appropriate choice or strategy. The Board then must ultimately make decisions based on the identified socio-economic, financial and public safety considerations as well as the overall long-term interests of the community.
The same goofy slides and lots of concepts. This is a presentation to manipulate you, just like TAG did. This one is very funny and regurgitated: Landowners need to be better informed about how choices are made…….. Worked for them last time – and they have an empire and legacy to build at your expense.
This Board is going to force you to do what they want. Simple as that.
UBFRS Fire Services Review Final Report-1